Лучший региональный театр России Звезда театрала 2023 Лауреат премии «Звезда театрала»

For 16+ audience

Four short stories

Author: V.M. Shukshin

The premiere took place on October 29, 2019

A new star flashed on the domestic literary horizon in the early 1960s – Vasily Makarovich Shukshin...

Surprisingly, it is still charming although most short stories are about village people: tractor and truck drivers, accountants, foremen, collective farm chairmen, and rank-and-file collective farm workers! Shukshin was drawn by originality, roughness and ultimate self-esteem of those people. They are curious, a bit strange, with sincere thoughts and feelings, or even naïve. Shukshin’s short stories are a paradoxical blend of ordinary and eccentric situations. Yet this paradox creates eternal and moral elements of the national Russian character. The production by director Vladimir Kuznetsov is a witty creative experiment and interactive performance, where viewers can feel the effect of presence and personal involvement in the events of Shukshin’s four life-affirming stories – “Actor Fyodor Grai,” “Boots,” “My Son-in-Law Stole Truckload of Firewood,” and “Fingerless.” This is an intricate combination of humor, sadness, anger, and tenderness… After going through bitter losses, grudges, and disappointments, characters come to realize that CELEBRATION actually HAPPENED!

Script, stage director, stage and costume design, music – Vladimir KUZNETSOV

Light – Maxim TYMCHIK

Presenters: Vera SAKHNOVICH, Elena PTAGINA

Stage: Main





На сайте представлены фотографии Владимира Федина, Петра Соколова, Вадима Пакулина, Александра Уткина, Светланы Игнатовой, Анастасии Денисовой, Анны Колесовой, Татьяны Шалухиной, Оксаны Соловьёвой, Елены Птагиной, Екатерины Строговой и Константина Федяева.

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